Wednesday, June 30, 2010
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Western Chicken Gropin
Adiconsum Basilicata
Angelo Festa, Regional Secretary Adiconsum: "We must preserve the environment for future generations and safeguard the health of citizens"
Adiconsum Basilicata shares of the choice made by the Region of Basilicata and the Councillor Mancusi, to establish the environmental observatory to monitor and control mining oil in Val d'Agri and the effects this has on the environment and health of citizens.
L 'Adiconsum considers essential correct information to citizens and the involvement of consumer associations in the monitoring be pursued with the utmost transparency in the interest of safeguarding the environment, public health and the protecting agricultural and animal husbandry.
"The observatory Environmental - said Angelo Festa, Regional Secretary dell'Adiconsum - is an important tool for the whole region, as many citizens concerned about the quality of life. A research shows that about 45% of Italians think that food is contaminated and that 30% consider the serious environmental problem "
" For this reason - he continued Day - should be put in place synergies and joint actions, citizens and government local environmental conservation and protection of health.
Matera June 29, 2010 PRESS OFFICE
Monday, June 28, 2010
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Here is the full text of the letter make sure that the President takes into consideration the requests for clarification and particularly the legitimacy of protest.
The Chairman of the Provincial
Dr. Frank Stella
FAX 0835312871
alderman Provincial
Mr. Salvatore Auletta
s.auletta @
Subject: Request for meeting for clarification regarding the resolution of the Provincial No 122 of 28 May 2010 .
The eight associations Adiconsum , Active Citizenship Movement and Defense of the Citizen express the most lively and strong protest on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Province of Matera and the Association "Rights of Citizenship."
is not our intention to express a veto on the Association "citizenship rights", but the undersigned associations for over 20 years defending the common interests of citizens in all its aspects, as consumers, savers, users of 'environment, users of public services, etc..
have signed, therefore, a protocol with the group only "Rights of Citizenship", intended for the activation of a service community information and guidance, without affecting other Consumer Associations in the area certainly surprising and does not seem justified, unless there is outside some reason.
The eight associations are recognized under the National Law No 281, July 30, 1998 and the law of the Region Basilicata No 40, April 10, 2000, and are appreciated by the people and acknowledged the public for his work for over twenty years.
in other provinces where it has long been enabled one-stop information and guidance to citizens, so as one intended to establish in the Province of Matera, the most representative associations involved are:
- Adiconsum
- Federconsumatori
Movement for the Defence of the citizen
Active Citizenship
In conclusion, expressing strong regret not having been involved in a project where we all share the goals, ask for the suspension of the protocol and a meeting, because can be redefined and a clear path for the common interests of the citizens that these associations represent.
Pending notice, you send my best regards.
Matera June 28, 2010
ADICONSUM - Active Citizenship and
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Masterbatiom Techniques
groups of citizens and consumers satisfied with the choice of safety and hygiene
Market back on course
the move the largest trade event of Bernalda
BERNALDA - "Viva", "Over the Hill" and " Adiconsum , welcomes the move of the municipal administration bernaldese to bring the monthly market Corso Umberto. Michele
Fuina, artisans, merchants, Domenico Andriuzzi, representative of
members over the hill, and Othello career, consumer protection, they have learned in recent days the news that the day dedicated to relations connected with the street vendors will be moved PalaCampagna in the parking lot of the Corso Umberto. "Here, they said represented the three-returns the historical roots of our city. " And this request, or stacked in the monthly market, precisely speaking of roots, coming from a few years.
Among the first to carry out the desire to see the market on the main road through the country, were young people from over the hill, which today speak of a new page written in the city of Bernalda.
"We are delighted Andriuzzi-said-this courageous choice. We know that there is little pressure to the contrary, but today has written a nice page: the page of democracy and attentiveness of the city.
And this can not but be grateful to the mayor, Leo Chiruzzi, alderman Raffaele D'Ascanio and all those who have taken this decision. A choice but to give oxygen to the businesses and, above all, a new way of looking at the relationship with politics;
this policy that I call constructive for the city and its inhabitants.
several times we talked through the newspaper and flyers, to the place where there were the minimum safety measures and blocked access and lack of refreshment, to which we add the high grass at certain times of the year and great inconvenience to the traveling.
A big thank you goes to all the ra dren's over the hill, who did a great job. We were the first to call for moving the market and then we found the right support
traders, street vendors and all Andriuzzi-of-concluded Adconsum.
Andriuzzi's words, also author of a petition that brought more than 1,500 a day to say yes to the movement of the market, adding that of Michel Fuina, association Viva, who refers to the category against the wall with the decision to take the market away from more productive point of the city.
"Now - said the president of the artisans and traders - Corso Umberto return to be the major point of interest to citizens and all who come here for the market.
I should mention that this is the main street and that most of the social life is here. For more
times our association had asked the move market. There, now that demand is real and we, as associates, we have expressed our readiness. During the day market, which is the third Sunday of each month, we will provide our toilet. One way to show that this operation was to us and we are ready to welcome all the openings when the groups they represent - has concluded Fuina-are considered to be an active part of this city. "
to express his "yes" to this maneuver is also the representative citizen of Adiconsum, Carrieri Othello: "At last-said has reached the end of a journey that saw the city, shopkeepers, street vendors and consumers on all same position: the market on Corso Umberto. They were asking that this year - said Carrieri-and today we finally had the courage
, not just say yes to a request, but rather to dialogue with the city and to hear the voice of those who are in the area. Many consumers, and I mean the citizens have expressed to us repeatedly Association for the discomfort of the car park of the Pala Campaign. Finally, "concluded Carrieri-the voice of the city has found the right answer."
Fabio Sirago by The Daily of Basilicata
Monday, June 21, 2010
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21/06/2010 15:05:34

Adiconsum through its branches and leaflets has launched a campaign to explain the new rates, as bound to the consumer market from 1 July 2010 will be required to apply the two-hourly rates to be "the law" but not always would be most convenient for consumer.
bas 02
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Maxine Cartoons About Colon
Marina Day, Provincial Secretary dell'Adiconsum: "The ability for consumers to choose a new supplier on the free market is not an obligation but an opportunity"
Monday, June 14, 2010, to 17.00 Adiconsum Province of Matera and the Federation of Retired CISL organized at the headquarters of Matera Adiconsum CISL, a meeting with national experts, electricity and gas to inform citizens about the opportunities and the issues of liberalization of the energy sector.
The work will be introduced by Marina Day, Secretary Provincial Adiconsum. Followed by the interventions of Youth Pennacchio, Federation of Retired CISL, Joseph Amatulli - CISL Secretary of Matera, and Marco Vignola - national expert in the energy sector dell'Adiconsum National.
meeting will address, with the participation of national experts dell'Adiconsum, the issue of free trade and bi-hourly rate that will start the market for so-called "protected" from next July 1.
Since July, it will enter into force on the bi-hourly rate which provides cost savings through the use of electricity in the bands night, on weekends and holidays. This choice desired by the Authority should lead to increasing consumption in the bands where energy has a lower cost and therefore a savings in cost to the community. This is an opportunity that will change the habits of consumers.
All citizens, who usually use appliances during the day, will have to rethink their habits, otherwise they will see their bills increase exponentially. Those who can not comply will have to find a vendor rate mono-clockwise.
The meeting will be distributed brochures on the liberalization of electricity and gas.
Adiconsum means thus to ensure a complete and transparent to the consumer so that you can easily navigate between the many options that choosing the most appropriate to their needs.
Matera June 12, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Make Your Wrestling Name
Adiconsum of Pomarico sent a letter to the Minister of Public Function, Renato Brunetta, asking them to intervene to remove the mayor of Pomarico 's order with which makes Corso Garibaldi, the main road between the entrance of the village and the historic center, one-way traffic. For the order Adiconsum does not take into account the needs of citizens
Adiconsum Pomarico, and give voice to all citizens contrarissimi to this absurd measure, in a letter sent to the Mayor, the Commander of Traffic Police Station Commander and the Police had requested the immediate suspension of ' order "as the alternative route to Corso Garibaldi, which is the ring road outside of town that would host all the flow of outbound traffic from Pomarico, does not have the most basic rules of safety." The Adiconsum has also asked to self-defense in the cancellation of all records of fines imposed on citizens in this period since the procedure used for the presentation and execution of the said Ordinance was characterized by obvious flaws of illegality. "
(low - 04)