AgrariaVenerdì Faculty of May 8, 2009, 10:00 am-16.00Presentazione of FacoltàVisita to: - Workshops-Research Laboratories-Serre, fields and orchards and experimental-Library spaces for studentiAula B Magna Via Leonardo da Vinci 44 - Grugliasco (TO) Reservations are required by April 24, 2009, to be made by mail at orientamento.agraria @ , the following information: Name, Tel, E-mail and sending school (reporting data for all participants).
EconomiaGiovedì Faculty of April 23, 2009, at 10 hours 15Venerdì April 24, 2009, at 10 hours 15Presentazione degree courses of the structures of FacoltàVisita FacoltàPunti information: - your campus-area economic-area giuridicaLezione guidance. Reservations are required by April 20, 2009, to be conducted on the Faculty website following information: Name, Tel, E-mail and their school.
FarmaciaGiovedì Faculty of April 16, 2009, 14.00-18.00Saluto of the PresidePresentazione FacoltàVisita to: - Workshops-Research Laboratories-Laboratory Information and Library "Icilio Guareschi" Participation in lectures during the giornata.Aula Magna "Guido Caps" Via Pietro Jury 11 - TorinoÈ required pre-registration by March 31, 2009: - e-mail to segreteria.farmacia @ , the following information: Name, Tel, E-mail address and school of origin (indicating If appropriate, the data of all participants) - the Faculty of Pharmacy fax number 011.6707972, using the registration form can be downloaded from the site Faculty.
GiurisprudenzaVenerdì Faculty of May 15, 2009, at the Faculty of 14.30Sala GiurisprudenzaPalazzo New - Via S. Ottavio 20, Torino
Faculty of Arts and FilosofiaMercoledì May 6, 2009, 9:45 am-36 12.15Aula of the Faculty of Arts and New FilosofiaPalazzo (first floor) - Via S. Ottavio 20 TorinoOre 9.45 - Organization of FacoltàOre 10.00 - Presentation of Degree Courses: - Intercultural Communication Sciences-Communication-Cultural Heritage, cultural heritage and archival librariAl deadline will be briefly presented the other degree courses of FacoltàGiovedì May 14, 2009, 9:45 am-12.15Aula 35 of the Faculty of Arts and New FilosofiaPalazzo (first floor) - Via S. Ottavio 20, TorinoOre 9.45 - Organization of FacoltàOre 10.00 - Presentation of degree courses: - Letters-Culture and Literature of the Modern World-History-FilosofiaAl deadline will be briefly presented the other degree courses of Facoltà.In both days, starting at 14 at 16 Degrees in the Faculty Room, you can meet some professors and graduate courses presented in the morning, you can also attend lectures and visit the facilities of the activities of research and education (classrooms, laboratories, libraries, departments ...). L 'afternoon meeting is also available to those who can not be in this morning and is intended to provide a further opportunity to meet to obtain all relevant information for the selection and the beginning of the study universitari.Per participate in the day reservation is needed to be made by sending an e-mail address orientation . . Writing at the same address, you can at any time, receive information or to arrange interviews with teachers responsible for guidance for individual courses.
Faculty of Medicine VeterinariaMercoledì April 22 2009Aula Magna of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (district classrooms - ground floor) Via L. da Vinci, 44 - Grugliasco (Torino) The initiative coincides with a day dedicated to the "Job-Placement" (post-lauream/mondo work). Interested students can meet professionals outside the Faculty and contacts belonging to Ordini.Programma: 9.00-12.30Convegno on "The figure of the veterinarian" Ore 14.00-17.00Presentazione formativeVisita offers guided educational facilities: - classrooms, laboratories, mortuaries - Museum-Company ZootecnicaÈ need to register: - by mail at orientamento.veterinaria @ or loredana.brancato @ - calling the following telephone numbers 011.6708681/8699- by fax at 011.6708682 indicating: Name, Address, Phone, Mobile, E-mail address and school of origin (specify the number of participants).
PsicologiaMercoledì Faculty of April 15, 2009, 10 am-17Giovedì April 16, 2009, 10 am-17Sala the Faculty of PsicologiaPalazzo Badini, Via Verdi 10 (inner courtyard) - TorinoNon need a reservation.
Faculty of FormazioneGiovedì May 21 2009Presentazione Study: - 9.00-11.00 - Primary Education-Hours 11:00 to 13:00 - Science Education-Ore 14.00-16.00 - Dams, television and mediaAula Palace 39 Faculty of Humanities, Via S. Ottavio 20 - TorinoÈ must book the visit by writing to: job.sciform @ , the following information: Name, E-mail, sending school, or any mobile phone.
Friday, June 5 2009Sede Savigliano (CN) 9.00-11.00Presentazione of Study: - Primary Education-Science Education-Degree Course in Education Interfaculty ProfessionaleAula 017 Ex Convento Santa Monica - Via Garibaldi 6 Savigliano (CN) is' necessary to book a visit by writing to: , the following information: Name, E-mail, sending school, or any mobile phone.
Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural- Study Courses in Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and Science MaterialiGiovedì April 2, 2009, at Magna 15.00Aula "Primo Levi", Via Pietro Jury 7 - Torino-Study Course in FisicaMercoledì April 1, 2009, at 15.00Aula Magna Physics, Via Valperga Calumet 36 - Torino-Study Course in InformaticaVenerdì March 20, 2009, at 11.00 and 16.00Dipartimento of Computer Science (Room F), Via Pessinetto 12 - Torino-Study Course in MatematicaMartedì April 28, 2009, at 14.00Dipartimento of Mathematics, Palazzo Campana , Via Carlo Alberto 10 - Torino-Study Course in Optics and OptometriaVenerdì May 15 2009, ore 15.00Centro for Innovation, Via Quarello 11 / A - Torino-Study Course in Science and Technology for Heritage CulturaliGiovedì May 14 2009, ore 15.00Aula Magna Physics, Via Valperga Calumet 36 - Torino-Study Course in Science BiologicheVenerdì May 8, 2009, at 15.00Dipartimento of Plant Biology (Auletta II), Viale Mattioli 25 - Torino-Study Course GeologicheVenerdì in Science April 24 2009, ore 15.00Dipartimento of Earth Sciences, Via Valperga Calumet 35 - Torino-Study Course in Science NaturaliLunedì April 20, 2009, at 15.00Dipartimento of Animal and Human Biology, Via Accademia Albertina 13 - 23 TorinoGiovedì April 2009, at 15.00Dipartimento of Plant Biology, Viale Mattioli 25 - TorinoInformazioni: Office of Science InformaCorso Massimo d'Azeglio, 60 / H - 10126 TorinoTel. 011.6707921 - Fax 011.6707439 - Email: mailto : 3E
Faculty PoliticheLunedì May 4, 2009, 13-hour 17.30Palazzina Einaudi - Lungo Dora Siena 68 / A, Torino (entrance also from C . so Regina Margherita - public gardens) PROGRAM-hours 14:00 to 16:00 Presentation of the Bachelor-2:00 p.m. to 14:30 hours Overview of the Political Science Faculty-Science 14:30 to 14:45 hours of the administration and consultancy work-hours 14:45 to 15:00 Science political-social-science 3:00 p.m. to 15:15 hours 15:15 to 15:30 hours 15:30 to 15:45 hours Statistical Science-Social Work-hours 15:45 to 4:00 p.m. International Studies, Development and 4:00 p.m. to 17:00 cooperazione.Ore Views led to some universities for the study, research and teaching (classrooms house of Einaudi, a library, "Solari G." Via Plana and classrooms.) 1:00 p.m. to 18:00 pm Information stands in the atrium of the house Einaudi withdraw material from which information and communicate with students' testimonials, and staff of the Vocational docenti.Per information: Orientation Office, tel. 011.6704992 or email orientamento.scipol @
AziendaleMercoledì School of Management April 29, 2009, at 15.00Mercoledì May 27 2009, ore 15.00Mercoledì June 17, 2009, at 15.00Presentazione of inter-Study Course in Management Information and Communication aziendaleVia Ventimiglia 115 - TorinoPer information: orientamento.saa @
Interfaculty School of Science MotorieGiovedì May 14, 2009, 10:00 am-14.00Presentazione Course StudiVisita to: - Fitness - Swimming Sports Science Research Center-Medical Center-BibliotecaPiazza Bernini 12, Torino booking required by May 7, 2009 by mail at barbara.bozza @ following information: Name, Tel, E email and their school.
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