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Marina Day: Provincial Secretary Adiconsum "There are numerous reports that come to bills unclear, double-billing or non-metered"
The process of market opening in electricity and gas, initiated by the European Directive nr. 98/30/EC and implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree 164 of 2000 was designed to increase efficiency and competitiveness of the sector for the benefit of consumers.
From 1 January 2003 has started in Italy, then, the liberalization of gas market and, from 1 July 2007, the liberalization of the electricity market.
citizens from passive recipients of services, are now active participants in the market: they can switch suppliers to find lower prices, to find a better quality of service, to participate in the fight against climate change by buying energy from renewable sources.
"Despite these good intentions, in recent months - says Marina Day, Provincial Secretary Adiconsum - we had numerous and frequent reports especially following a change of supplier. The complaints concern mainly the double billing, bills and deposit large amounts of abnormal compared to the average consumer, the periods of non-billing and bill high balance, failure to respect the right of withdrawal or non-acceptance of the cancellation of the contract.
"More reports - Festival continues - we receive from consumers who have received, for changing the service provider, visit the company's brokers of electricity and gas." It 's good to remember that the possibility for consumers to choose a new supplier on the free market is not an obligation but an opportunity and those who do not choose to change providers will remain in the service of greater protection. "
"At the moment - Day ends - there is a great economic advantage to switch carriers and if you sign a contract you can exercise at home the right to reconsider within 10 days, sending a registered letter with return receipt requested. "
For information and help citizens may apply at the premises of Adiconsum Matera Tursi, Pomarico, Bernalda or from other branches in the area.
Matera May 30, 2010