The presence of algae phenomenon caused by meteorological factors
25/05/2010 10:03:59
(AGR) - In the waters of Pertusillo there is nothing abnormal or dangerous to health . Said the Director-General dell'Arpab, Vincenzo Sealed, during a meeting held yesterday afternoon, convened and chaired by the Regional Environment Agatino Mancusi.
The meeting was attended by the Director General of the Department, Donato Viggiano , the mayors of the municipalities of Nova Grumento, Vincenzo Vertunni, Sarconi, Cesare Mars, Montemurro, Mario Di Sanzo, Spinoso, Pasquale De Luise, of Viggiano, Giuseppe Alberti, Commissioner of the Park Val D'Agri, Domenico Totaro, the director of the Asia Power, Mario Cerverizzo.
In particular, the mayors in recent days, had reported the presence of the dam Pertusillo, seaweed arousing concern among the citizens. The
ARPAB after making withdrawals in the waters of 11 and 18 May, verified that the algae in question are not toxic and that their presence was solely determined by meteorological factors.
ARPAB Over the next few days will complete the mapping surveys to verify the consistency of algae and their depth to evaluate possible intervention strategies.
Instead, with regard to human health or the algae may not cause any damage.
" Water Pertusillo - added Siggillito - as all waters of the reservoirs Basilicata - is kept under control with monthly analysis. And we can say with absolute certainty that we have not had any change Pertusillo abnormal. " In the coming days ARPAB send to the mayors of all municipalities affected the results of the analysis performed on samples.
Park Commissioner, Domenico Totaro, said he was pleased with the meeting pointing out that the dam Pertusillo is located in Zone 1, and deserves, therefore, a special surveillance not only to protect citizens, but also to defend biodiversity. The dam is one of the top of the park and this must be kept under constant review through an institutional network that takes vigilant. "
"As I have stressed several times - said the Regional Minister for the Environment, Agatino Mancusi - is my intention to open a new page in relations between regions, communities and territories. A report to be set to the maximum sharing of information to avoid unnecessary alarm and protection of citizens' right to be informed. Monitoring - assured Mancusi - continue in the coming days and will continue to keep open the table with the mayors to share this journey together and decide on the initiatives put in place .
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