Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Make A Vip Invitation

Moms - Advertising 1 to 0

Today I want to focus on the world of advertising. Given the past as my advertising account, are quite sensitive to the issue, and every time I see a spot dedicated children, I am completely puzzled. In particular, I noticed that advertisements relating to baby food on the link psychological terrorism. "Iron is important for its development, even after a year ..." Oops, but my daughter will take enough iron? Help, I've never asked and now the problem is to see that because I will not grow enough, degenerate mother, I have not thought to iron ... "12 liters of cow's milk contain the same iron of 2 cups of milk increases Mellin. It has 24 times more iron than cow's milk ... But, to be ignorant in this field I wonder if the cow's milk has 24 times less iron, and if we all have always been drinking cow's milk, not a bit 'too much to throw a bomb down to the children of iron like that? Could it be that the advertising, a little 'clumsy, have sought to rely on the usual psychological terrorism on Italian mothers for which the rule applies: The more you eat, the better?
For those who do not remember the commercial, here it is:
Oh, and for anyone still unsure about the amount of iron in the diet of their child, there is also the site ferrometro, so as not to be come the anxiety!


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