Monday, June 28, 2010

Developmental Delays And Learning Disabilities

meeting request for clarification regarding the resolution of the Provincial No 122, May 28, 2010.

Strong reaction and discontent that The President has raised the Province of Matera, Frank Stella, for having signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a group of consumers in an arbitrary manner without in any way stated or expressed criteria.

Here is the full text of the letter make sure that the President takes into consideration the requests for clarification and particularly the legitimacy of protest.

The Chairman of the Provincial

Dr. Frank Stella


FAX 0835312871

alderman Provincial

Mr. Salvatore Auletta


s.auletta @

Subject: Request for meeting for clarification regarding the resolution of the Provincial No 122 of 28 May 2010 .

The eight associations Adiconsum , Active Citizenship Movement and Defense of the Citizen express the most lively and strong protest on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Province of Matera and the Association "Rights of Citizenship."

is not our intention to express a veto on the Association "citizenship rights", but the undersigned associations for over 20 years defending the common interests of citizens in all its aspects, as consumers, savers, users of 'environment, users of public services, etc..

have signed, therefore, a protocol with the group only "Rights of Citizenship", intended for the activation of a service community information and guidance, without affecting other Consumer Associations in the area certainly surprising and does not seem justified, unless there is outside some reason.

The eight associations are recognized under the National Law No 281, July 30, 1998 and the law of the Region Basilicata No 40, April 10, 2000, and are appreciated by the people and acknowledged the public for his work for over twenty years.

in other provinces where it has long been enabled one-stop information and guidance to citizens, so as one intended to establish in the Province of Matera, the most representative associations involved are:

  • Adiconsum
  • Federconsumatori
  • Movement for the Defence of the citizen

  • Active Citizenship

  • Codacons

  • Adoc

In conclusion, expressing strong regret not having been involved in a project where we all share the goals, ask for the suspension of the protocol and a meeting, because can be redefined and a clear path for the common interests of the citizens that these associations represent.

Pending notice, you send my best regards.

Matera June 28, 2010


ADICONSUM - Active Citizenship and




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