talks and meetings
interior appointments to IT:
December 11, 2008 ------------------------> RIUNONE REPRESENTATIVES OF CLASS IN THE HALL VIDEO FROM 10:10 TO 11:50
December 12, 2008 student demonstrations -----------------------> NATIONAL MEETING WITH THE SCHOOL MEET 8:15
December 15, 2008 -----------------------> TALKS PARENTS-TEACHERS FOR THE PERIOD FROM 17:00 TO 19:00
December 18, 2008 ----------------------> TALKS PARENTS-TEACHERS FOR THE YEARS FROM 17:00 TO 19:00
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
E8500 Vs I7 For Gaming
60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
WEDNESDAY 'Presidium on December 10 at Porta Susa h.18
we have chosen! YOU'RE ON THE SIDE OF RIGHTS!
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all rights and all freedoms stipulated by the Italian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction any nationality, skin color, sex, language, religion, political opinion, origin, social and economic conditions, birth or other. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Art.1
We appeal to all those who call themselves democrats, who believe in freedom and in equality, watching each other, although very different from himself, with equal dignity, who believe in the capacity to host even when it has to overcome the many barriers of language and culture. Our migration from the south we have shown.
Today, more than four million people of foreign origin living in Italy. This is in large part of the employees who contribute the welfare of this country (6% of the population that contributes to 9% of GDP) and that slowly and painfully, came to be part of our community.
People often victims of prejudice and used as scapegoats, especially when increasing economic insecurity and social disadvantage, knowingly creating a real campaign based on "fear." Because in this time of severe economic crisis in which the resources are few and to be shared among many other things easily becomes an adversary rather than an ally in its same condition, with which to feel solidarity.
race in the round of 10 December 2008, the 60th anniversary of the Declaration man, and follow carefully the steps that will be scanned in the coming months to promote a more just and equitable society, able to include rather than offend the Other, we break the encirclement of fear, we make our voice heard! !
Square December 18 (Porta Susa)
18 Hours
Posts signatories of the anti-racist associations
Gadget for all symbols and Anti-Racism Campaign
For information: 3473891946 Falsetta Rosanna Rosanna.
60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
WEDNESDAY 'Presidium on December 10 at Porta Susa h.18
we have chosen! YOU'RE ON THE SIDE OF RIGHTS!
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all rights and all freedoms stipulated by the Italian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction any nationality, skin color, sex, language, religion, political opinion, origin, social and economic conditions, birth or other. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Art.1
We appeal to all those who call themselves democrats, who believe in freedom and in equality, watching each other, although very different from himself, with equal dignity, who believe in the capacity to host even when it has to overcome the many barriers of language and culture. Our migration from the south we have shown.
Today, more than four million people of foreign origin living in Italy. This is in large part of the employees who contribute the welfare of this country (6% of the population that contributes to 9% of GDP) and that slowly and painfully, came to be part of our community.
People often victims of prejudice and used as scapegoats, especially when increasing economic insecurity and social disadvantage, knowingly creating a real campaign based on "fear." Because in this time of severe economic crisis in which the resources are few and to be shared among many other things easily becomes an adversary rather than an ally in its same condition, with which to feel solidarity.
race in the round of 10 December 2008, the 60th anniversary of the Declaration man, and follow carefully the steps that will be scanned in the coming months to promote a more just and equitable society, able to include rather than offend the Other, we break the encirclement of fear, we make our voice heard! !
Square December 18 (Porta Susa)
18 Hours
Posts signatories of the anti-racist associations
Gadget for all symbols and Anti-Racism Campaign
For information: 3473891946 Falsetta Rosanna Rosanna.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Lipstick Color For Pale Blondes
police shoot, ANDREAS DIES Saturday, December 6, Andreas Grigoropoulos, 15 year old greek is statoassassinato by Greek special forces Suit.Gli Blue agents were involved in provocative quartiereExarchia (university district), when a group of young people's haintimato verbally to leave. Then an agent sparatotre Andreas hitting shots to the chest. We express our condolence to the family, and our pienasolidarietà all Greek / and that these days are showing their anger. It is unacceptable that a child dies due to police arrogance. It is not the first time that the police abusing their power adottametodi violent repression and shooting at children and students chemanifestano their political dissent, we remember benissimoquanto happened in July 2001 to Carlo Giuliani during the G8. We will not forget! Even as Italy, Greece is in revolt because unacrisi overwhelmed by global (economic and education) that students in the first place, not ... They want to pay! Schools employed, the order of student marches and presidisono giorno.Andreas was a boy who like us was expressing the propriopensiero against those who want to pay for the crisis. 'S why Chenoa we can not accept in silence what has happened, to participate invitiamotutti Wednesday, December 10 at the garrison under the consulate at 15:30 in greek Corso Galileo Ferraris 65 PRESIDIO WEDNESDAY 'December 10 15.30 CORSO GALILEO FERRARIS 65
police shoot, ANDREAS DIES Saturday, December 6, Andreas Grigoropoulos, 15 year old greek is statoassassinato by Greek special forces Suit.Gli Blue agents were involved in provocative quartiereExarchia (university district), when a group of young people's haintimato verbally to leave. Then an agent sparatotre Andreas hitting shots to the chest. We express our condolence to the family, and our pienasolidarietà all Greek / and that these days are showing their anger. It is unacceptable that a child dies due to police arrogance. It is not the first time that the police abusing their power adottametodi violent repression and shooting at children and students chemanifestano their political dissent, we remember benissimoquanto happened in July 2001 to Carlo Giuliani during the G8. We will not forget! Even as Italy, Greece is in revolt because unacrisi overwhelmed by global (economic and education) that students in the first place, not ... They want to pay! Schools employed, the order of student marches and presidisono giorno.Andreas was a boy who like us was expressing the propriopensiero against those who want to pay for the crisis. 'S why Chenoa we can not accept in silence what has happened, to participate invitiamotutti Wednesday, December 10 at the garrison under the consulate at 15:30 in greek Corso Galileo Ferraris 65 PRESIDIO WEDNESDAY 'December 10 15.30 CORSO GALILEO FERRARIS 65
Ranch Hand Grille Guard Install On Dodge
all the people school (students, faculty staff) can not but be deeply shocked, if not offended as students and future workers and citizens, to read the guidelines of the so-called "law" Gelmini. Say they want to improve the Italian school, in fact, are finally dismantling:
In kindergarten: you can only make the turn morning session from 8.30 to 12.30, with very serious repercussions on the timing and quality of life of families
In primary school (elementary): the return of the master only lead to the disappearance of the Units and Full-time (possibly replaced by an after-school fee?), And reduction of weekly 24 hours from the current 30 (modules) and 40 (full time). This would give a "savings" of 87,000 teachers, not to mention the difficulty in making a single teacher has lessons for matters that are not prepared with a serious decline in learning for students
In the school: there will be the reduction of weekly 29 hours from the current 32-33; (13,600 teachers cut);
In high school: the reduction to 32 hours per week will be for technical and vocational schools (from the current 36-40 hours) and 30 for high schools; (14,000 teachers' savings);
In all school levels: increase of 4-5 students per class with a "savings" of 72,000 teachers, but making it impossible in fact, students in classes 32/35, recovery most of those of us in trouble or those from less privileged families.
In all school levels : cutting 17% of teaching staff, 700 administrative assistants DSGA -10,452 (secretarial) - 3,965 engineers - 29,076 school employees, for a total of 44,500 administrative, technical and auxiliary "saved" and this will mean schools closed in the afternoon, a more difficult task of monitoring, a more difficult families' access to the secretariats.
In all types of schools: cutting of 2,000 schools, as "undersized" (fewer than 600 pupils).
The law also provides for a division of classes between foreigners and ITALIAN. That is, the training classes will be created based on the nationality of the student, leading to the construction of classes with pupils strictly Italian, and with other students of different nationalities, languages, ethnic groups. To so these guys will be even more difficult will be the 'inclusion in society. This is RACISM!
The school will also form themselves into private foundations (which for lack of funds will be forced to do), so the knowledge will no longer be free for these guys, but decided by a board of directors, as in companies!
For our future and that of our brethren we need more school and less cut!
The school is expressing its opposition and shows every day, now we want the citizens to participate in our struggle, which reached high numbers in throughout Italy. Coming down with us to the streets, participating in initiatives of the students in Turin, and to be united against all those who want to destroy our future and the future of our children.
all the people school (students, faculty staff) can not but be deeply shocked, if not offended as students and future workers and citizens, to read the guidelines of the so-called "law" Gelmini. Say they want to improve the Italian school, in fact, are finally dismantling:
In kindergarten: you can only make the turn morning session from 8.30 to 12.30, with very serious repercussions on the timing and quality of life of families
In primary school (elementary): the return of the master only lead to the disappearance of the Units and Full-time (possibly replaced by an after-school fee?), And reduction of weekly 24 hours from the current 30 (modules) and 40 (full time). This would give a "savings" of 87,000 teachers, not to mention the difficulty in making a single teacher has lessons for matters that are not prepared with a serious decline in learning for students
In the school: there will be the reduction of weekly 29 hours from the current 32-33; (13,600 teachers cut);
In high school: the reduction to 32 hours per week will be for technical and vocational schools (from the current 36-40 hours) and 30 for high schools; (14,000 teachers' savings);
In all school levels: increase of 4-5 students per class with a "savings" of 72,000 teachers, but making it impossible in fact, students in classes 32/35, recovery most of those of us in trouble or those from less privileged families.
In all school levels : cutting 17% of teaching staff, 700 administrative assistants DSGA -10,452 (secretarial) - 3,965 engineers - 29,076 school employees, for a total of 44,500 administrative, technical and auxiliary "saved" and this will mean schools closed in the afternoon, a more difficult task of monitoring, a more difficult families' access to the secretariats.
In all types of schools: cutting of 2,000 schools, as "undersized" (fewer than 600 pupils).
The law also provides for a division of classes between foreigners and ITALIAN. That is, the training classes will be created based on the nationality of the student, leading to the construction of classes with pupils strictly Italian, and with other students of different nationalities, languages, ethnic groups. To so these guys will be even more difficult will be the 'inclusion in society. This is RACISM!
The school will also form themselves into private foundations (which for lack of funds will be forced to do), so the knowledge will no longer be free for these guys, but decided by a board of directors, as in companies!
For our future and that of our brethren we need more school and less cut!
The school is expressing its opposition and shows every day, now we want the citizens to participate in our struggle, which reached high numbers in throughout Italy. Coming down with us to the streets, participating in initiatives of the students in Turin, and to be united against all those who want to destroy our future and the future of our children.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wildthornberrys Wildlife Rescue Game
NEXT appointment
VERY IMPORTANT: The 4 / 12 there will be a candlelight vigil organized by the school meeting at 16.30 with the corner between Corso and Corso Tortona Belgium demonstrations against the Gelmini decree, cuts and privatization.'ll go down together that what goes everywhere with the leafleting. If I arrive I will I will turn the wheel.
In addition, the 12/12 students above all fall together with university students, workers, parents and immigrants in a single piece, the 12 will be an opportunity to unite all the struggles and also to clot in one of our last event before the Christmas holidays. I would like to specify that our demands are not going unnoticed, the government has had to slow down and re-design their own programs, and only if we stopped the ministers would be able to find us a nice regalone in the sheath of the Epiphany. Schools go down well with banners trying to keep up with the auctions.
VERY IMPORTANT: The 4 / 12 there will be a candlelight vigil organized by the school meeting at 16.30 with the corner between Corso and Corso Tortona Belgium demonstrations against the Gelmini decree, cuts and privatization.'ll go down together that what goes everywhere with the leafleting. If I arrive I will I will turn the wheel.
In addition, the 12/12 students above all fall together with university students, workers, parents and immigrants in a single piece, the 12 will be an opportunity to unite all the struggles and also to clot in one of our last event before the Christmas holidays. I would like to specify that our demands are not going unnoticed, the government has had to slow down and re-design their own programs, and only if we stopped the ministers would be able to find us a nice regalone in the sheath of the Epiphany. Schools go down well with banners trying to keep up with the auctions.
How Long Can Pinot Noir
student strike in the province of Turin
The last X-ray on school buildings illustrated by data presented Cittadinanzattiva daunting. More than 50% of Italian schools poses a risk of various types and only 30% is considered 'enough'. According to the sample survey conducted by Cittadinanzattiva 68% of schools do not have the certificate of fitness for use static, 7 out of 10 lack the certification of viability sanitation and three out of four are certified free of fire prevention. And yet, the collapse of plaster are widely dispersed, the electrical system is not subject to the necessary controls and equipment which do not comply with safety standards for schools. This analysis shows that in Italian schools in one year are 90 000 students and 12,912 injured between teachers and caretakers. Enough to make staying in anxiety almost eight million mums and dads who leave their children to school.
also revealed that since she came into force in the 626, the institutions responsible for security in schools each year have extended the old framework. The reason: there are not enough money to put in order. This means that since 1994 the rules were deemed necessary for the prevention can be "legally" broken in places where children work daily. A country with Third Mondo.Per renovating them would be needed 13 billion euros according to the Secretary Bertolaso, but the governments of the last 20 years instead of investing on building schools were cutting on it to use these funds to propagandistiche.Proprio maneuvers in effect and for this you need to say stop to this situation, to say enough to dilapidated and unsafe schools!
We demand the immediate intervention of the government and the Province to act on safety at the Rivoli scuole.Chiediamo that Darwin is named after Vito Scafidi, because no one should forget what happened Nov. 22, 2008 and no one should allow that we can continue to die in the schools.
We believe in everything and we will prove Thursday Dec. 4 with a sit-in outside the headquarters of the Province in Via Maria Vittoria 12 (near Piazza San Carlo) from 9:30 h; Sit in what will be accompanied by a student strike in the province of Turin.
Joining is a moral duty for us all!

student strike in the province of Turin
The last X-ray on school buildings illustrated by data presented Cittadinanzattiva daunting. More than 50% of Italian schools poses a risk of various types and only 30% is considered 'enough'. According to the sample survey conducted by Cittadinanzattiva 68% of schools do not have the certificate of fitness for use static, 7 out of 10 lack the certification of viability sanitation and three out of four are certified free of fire prevention. And yet, the collapse of plaster are widely dispersed, the electrical system is not subject to the necessary controls and equipment which do not comply with safety standards for schools. This analysis shows that in Italian schools in one year are 90 000 students and 12,912 injured between teachers and caretakers. Enough to make staying in anxiety almost eight million mums and dads who leave their children to school.
also revealed that since she came into force in the 626, the institutions responsible for security in schools each year have extended the old framework. The reason: there are not enough money to put in order. This means that since 1994 the rules were deemed necessary for the prevention can be "legally" broken in places where children work daily. A country with Third Mondo.Per renovating them would be needed 13 billion euros according to the Secretary Bertolaso, but the governments of the last 20 years instead of investing on building schools were cutting on it to use these funds to propagandistiche.Proprio maneuvers in effect and for this you need to say stop to this situation, to say enough to dilapidated and unsafe schools!
We demand the immediate intervention of the government and the Province to act on safety at the Rivoli scuole.Chiediamo that Darwin is named after Vito Scafidi, because no one should forget what happened Nov. 22, 2008 and no one should allow that we can continue to die in the schools.
We believe in everything and we will prove Thursday Dec. 4 with a sit-in outside the headquarters of the Province in Via Maria Vittoria 12 (near Piazza San Carlo) from 9:30 h; Sit in what will be accompanied by a student strike in the province of Turin.
Joining is a moral duty for us all!
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