student strike in the province of Turin
The last X-ray on school buildings illustrated by data presented Cittadinanzattiva daunting. More than 50% of Italian schools poses a risk of various types and only 30% is considered 'enough'. According to the sample survey conducted by Cittadinanzattiva 68% of schools do not have the certificate of fitness for use static, 7 out of 10 lack the certification of viability sanitation and three out of four are certified free of fire prevention. And yet, the collapse of plaster are widely dispersed, the electrical system is not subject to the necessary controls and equipment which do not comply with safety standards for schools. This analysis shows that in Italian schools in one year are 90 000 students and 12,912 injured between teachers and caretakers. Enough to make staying in anxiety almost eight million mums and dads who leave their children to school.
also revealed that since she came into force in the 626, the institutions responsible for security in schools each year have extended the old framework. The reason: there are not enough money to put in order. This means that since 1994 the rules were deemed necessary for the prevention can be "legally" broken in places where children work daily. A country with Third Mondo.Per renovating them would be needed 13 billion euros according to the Secretary Bertolaso, but the governments of the last 20 years instead of investing on building schools were cutting on it to use these funds to propagandistiche.Proprio maneuvers in effect and for this you need to say stop to this situation, to say enough to dilapidated and unsafe schools!
We demand the immediate intervention of the government and the Province to act on safety at the Rivoli scuole.Chiediamo that Darwin is named after Vito Scafidi, because no one should forget what happened Nov. 22, 2008 and no one should allow that we can continue to die in the schools.
We believe in everything and we will prove Thursday Dec. 4 with a sit-in outside the headquarters of the Province in Via Maria Vittoria 12 (near Piazza San Carlo) from 9:30 h; Sit in what will be accompanied by a student strike in the province of Turin.
Joining is a moral duty for us all!
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