60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
WEDNESDAY 'Presidium on December 10 at Porta Susa h.18
we have chosen! YOU'RE ON THE SIDE OF RIGHTS!
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all rights and all freedoms stipulated by the Italian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction any nationality, skin color, sex, language, religion, political opinion, origin, social and economic conditions, birth or other. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Art.1
We appeal to all those who call themselves democrats, who believe in freedom and in equality, watching each other, although very different from himself, with equal dignity, who believe in the capacity to host even when it has to overcome the many barriers of language and culture. Our migration from the south we have shown.
Today, more than four million people of foreign origin living in Italy. This is in large part of the employees who contribute the welfare of this country (6% of the population that contributes to 9% of GDP) and that slowly and painfully, came to be part of our community.
People often victims of prejudice and used as scapegoats, especially when increasing economic insecurity and social disadvantage, knowingly creating a real campaign based on "fear." Because in this time of severe economic crisis in which the resources are few and to be shared among many other things easily becomes an adversary rather than an ally in its same condition, with which to feel solidarity.
race in the round of 10 December 2008, the 60th anniversary of the Declaration man, and follow carefully the steps that will be scanned in the coming months to promote a more just and equitable society, able to include rather than offend the Other, we break the encirclement of fear, we make our voice heard! !
Square December 18 (Porta Susa)
18 Hours
Posts signatories of the anti-racist associations
Gadget for all symbols and Anti-Racism Campaign
For information: 3473891946 Falsetta Rosanna Rosanna. falsetta@terradelfuoco.org info@terradelfuoco.org
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