their headquarters
" Liberalization of Electricity and Gas: opportunity or disadvantage to consumers " is the title of the brochure produced dall'Adiconsum of Basilicata, with funding from the Ministry of Economic Development in agreement with the Basilicata Region.
The booklet printed in 5000 copies will be distributed soon in the major towns of Basilicata: Matera, Potenza, Melfi, Lagonegro, Palazzo San Gervasio, Montalbano, Tursi, Policoro and Bernalda and will also be available on the official website and on this Blog Adiconsum Basilicata.
" Hundreds are consumers who come to our doors, said Marina Day, Provincial Secretary dell'Adiconsum, who complain of receiving exorbitant bills for electricity and gas, or for being found with a new operator, without he never signed with the latter a contract for the supply of electricity and gas .
"Lately - Navy continued Festival - we organized two meetings, the first in Matera and the second power, in agreement with the Federation of Retired CISL, because we realized that a number of unfair trade practices against consumers. "
The "European Energy Consumers' Charter" provides for the citizens of the following basic rights:
- Connection: the right to receive regular and predictable and safe supply of electricity and gas;
- fumiture: the right to change providers of electricity and gas and to benefit from efficient procedures;
- Contract: the Charter lists the minimum elements that must include any contract with a supplier of energy;
- information: the right to have updated information on supply Energy, contract terms, pricing and tariffs, energy efficiency measures, the origin and sources of electricity generation;
- Price: energy must be made available at reasonable, easily and clearly comparable and transparent;
- Social measures: the right of vulnerable citizens, to have minimum levels of energy services to prevent "fuel poverty"
- Dispute settlement: the right to review procedures simple and inexpensive in case of dispute ;
- Prohibition of unfair trade practices law and transparent legal proceedings.
Matera July 28, 2010
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