After the success of last year, again for the 2010 summer tourist season, BASILICATA OK, the memorandum of understanding promoted by Adiconsum Basilicata Lucania and Tourism Association Doc , aimed at ensuring the protection Tourists in Basilicata.
Association consumers and tourism businesses Lucan, in fact, this summer, too, have undertaken in the best way to accommodate the many tourists who have chosen the Lucania as half of their stay, conscious that over the enchantment of the place, will find services in our region and quality facilities.
Tourism enterprises that decide to accede to the Protocol BASILICATA OK undertake to ensure the five basic rights of the tourist / consumer under the supervision of volunteers Adiconsum Basilicata that constantly monitor the structure of the circuit in order to ensure that they meet the terms of the Protocol. Health, safety and quality products and services, fairness, transparency and fairness in contractual relations, are the assurances of the travel companies that also will take on the commitment to make visible in their structure the logo that certifies adherence to the protocol. The consumer, in this way, it is doubly protected by a side who already know before you leave the accommodation in the work environment and the person on the other hand knows immediately that occur in the event that claims or disputes may apply Adiconsum Basilicata is committed to promptly groped to resolve them so kindly.
" The first structure receptive- said Adiconsum Basilicata Secretary Angelo Festa- BASILICATAOK is to have adhered to the Old Sarubbi Pasta di Stigliano (MT) and many others are supporting the initiative. The commitment of Adiconsum Basilicata, aimed at safeguarding the rights of consumers-tourists, it is a guarantee for those from outside the region decided to stay and discover the beauty of our land. The national promotion of the Protocol, created by the demands and needs of tourists, it is definitely a springboard for quality tourism in Basilicata. For the tourist, know that in our region there are Adiconsum certified facilities, complying with the five basic rights of consumers-tourists is certainly an incentive to discover the treasures of our region. I am sure that quality, courtesy, hospitality and attention to consumers, will give a great impetus to the creation of a quality tourism in our own Lucania. For this reason Adiconsum calls on all accommodation in the region who have decided to focus on quality service, to join BASILICATA OK. "
lI Memorandum of Understanding is an excellent opportunity on the national scene that rewards the efforts of facilities that work in synergy with the Consumers' Association to increase the number of tourists and the quality of services, designed in respect environment and the tourist-consumer.
Press Office Adiconsum
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